It’s not too often that I get excited about anything, but when Hubby suggested going to the farmer’s markets today, my heart jumped for joy! A chance to do something fun that’s good for me–or so I thought. **
One word to describe my Lupus body today: Hungry
Which habits and rituals did I practice to soothe my Lupus body?
- Breathed fresh air
- Stayed hydrated
- Protected Delicate Skin
- Moved and Stretched
- Ate a Clean Diet
More details about my physical symptoms:
Despite the overwhelming heat outside today, I was bound and determined to go to a couple of farmer’s markets that just opened for the season. I was so hungry for farm fresh food! Along with feeling the heat, I was feeling a lot of pain in my hips and back, and the peripheral neuropathy in my legs. I endured it all for the most beautiful, perfectly imperfect tomatoes—and they tasted AMAZING! I couldn’t wait to get home to make a nice salad. It’s so much easier to eat clean in the summertime….
One word to describe my Lupus mind today: Concerned
Which habits and rituals did I practice to strengthen my Lupus mind?
- Managed stress response
- Managed time and energy
More details and thoughts about how I’m feeling emotionally today:
It began on the ride home. I started thinking about how I ate a few tomato samples from the farm stands. I wondered if that was such a good idea, considering that I don’t know if the tomatoes or the hands of the cutter were washed thoroughly. All I need is another infection because of my suppressed immune system. I was so pre-occupied and carried away with being at the farmer’s markets that I didn’t think about my Lupus body. How can that be when all I feel most days is painful reminders of it? I wish I could be as carefree as the rest of the world, not having to worry about how everything fits in with my Lupus life. So with the concern that presented itself on the way home, I had to make a choice: either enjoy the rest of my day hopeful of the best outcome, or worry about what I did and how it might possibly affect me. I chose to enjoy my day—defiantly.
One word to describe my spirit today: Giving
Which habits and rituals did I practice to nurture my Lupus spirit?
- Made someone happy
- Embraced uncertainty
Thoughts about my spiritual connection and spiritual lessons learned today:
It was so nice to see how happy Hubby was today. I realize more and more how his happiness is connected to mine. Often, he feels so helpless in dealing with the effects of Lupus—the pain, the unpredictability, etc. By taking me to the farmer’s markets today he actually had a role in making me feel better, albeit only for a little bit while I was still in pain. He gave me a happy day, and by accepting his generosity, I was able to give him happiness, too.
Today my meals were:
- Breakfast: Gluten-free banana pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs
- Lunch: Turkey sandwich on gluten-free bread with a few corn chips
- Dinner: Grilled burger with hash brown potatoes
- Snacks: Gala apple slices with almond butter
At least one thing that I’m grateful for today:
- Spending time with Hubby
- Going to the farmer’s markets
**(This post is based on the format of the Lupus Diary that I developed for keeping track of how Lupus affects my body, mind, and spirit, I check-in here once a week to let you know about the more interesting days of my Lupus journey. To learn more about the Lupus Diary, how I developed it, and why I use it, click here.)