Dear Diary,
I just wanted to let you know that we received really good news at the doctor appointment today. The ultrasound revealed that the huge cyst on my right ovary has completely dissolved, disappeared, vanished! The doctor was stunned. So, despite the fact that we were all preparing for the worst, there’s no need for surgery at all. Thank God!
Even with that bit of great news, I’m resting in bed as I write this because I’ve been stricken with yet another bout of illness–bronchitis. Hubby had to take me to urgent care last Thursday. The doctor there diagnosed the bronchitis, gave me a round of antibiotics so that it didn’t become pneumonia. But, when I followed up with my pulmonologist on Tuesday, I still had a fever and chest pain; so, she gave me a second round of antibiotics. My immune system is so out of whack with the Lupus, and my lungs are so compromised since having the pulmonary embolism way back when.
I got a call from my rheumatologist yesterday about my blood work. Nothing too earth shattering, but the Lupus is still very active and one test shows possible kidney involvement. I read up on it, and it’s just something that has to be monitored like everything else, and I can help by drinking TONS of water, eating a more balanced diet (no more Paleo), and getting lots of rest. My rheumatologist is going to be increasing my Plaquenil, too.
Oh well, I’m sure the past few months of moving and other health-related stress didn’t help the situation. But, I’m not worried ‘cause God’s got this!