Symptoms & Reactions

The Strangeness of Lupus Fog

Once upon a time, I was well known for having a keen eye for detail and a habit of being alert and prompt. Not completely sure if it’s the Lupus or the Lupus medications that are responsible, but I  now find myself on the opposite end of the spectrum—no more Ms. Perfectly Punctual anymore…. **



One word to describe my Lupus body today:  Strange

Which habits and rituals did I practice to soothe my Lupus body?

  • Slept well
  • Ate a clean diet
  • Moved and stretched
  • Stayed hydrated

More details about my physical symptoms:
Today was busy and exhausting with appointments for physical therapy, acupuncture, and psychotherapy in that order. I got the normal working over on my hips, back, and shoulder at physical therapy. Acupuncture on the other hand was strange. She arranged needles to address my ongoing shoulder pain, and it seems to make the pain worse. I even noticed at dinner, a few hours later that hives popped upon my hands where the needles were.



One word to describe my Lupus mind today: Foggy

Which habits and rituals did I practice to strengthen my Lupus mind?

  • Connected with my doctor
  • Managed expectations
  • Managed stress response

More details and thoughts about how I’m feeling emotionally today:
So, after leaving acupuncture, I was so foggy and loopy that I did not remember my appointment time with my psychotherapist. I thought it was at 2:00 pm, so I went to my favorite organic foods restaurant for a healthy cup of homemade soup. Just as I began to eat, the receptionist called me asking where I was. I can’t believe it–even with an appointment card and my smartphone calendar, I still messed up my schedule. I think acupuncture contributes to my Lupus fog sometimes. Thank goodness, another patient cancelled so I was able to see my doctor.



One word to describe my spirit today: Resolute

Which habits and rituals did I practice to nurture my Lupus spirit?

  • Loved myself

Thoughts about my spiritual connection and spiritual lessons learned today:
With the exhaustion and fogginess, and today’s appointment mix-up, I didn’t have much opportunity to focus consciously on my spirit; however, I felt my connection spirit unconsciously. I felt a quiet resolve to stay strong despite the fog slowly swirling around me.



Today my meals were:

  • Breakfast: Anti-inflammatory shake, scrambled eggs on gluten-free toast
  • Lunch: Aztec soup from Grate Full Gardens restaurant, side of gluten-free toast
  • Dinner: Gluten-free pasta, homemade marinara sauce with ground turkey
  • Snacks: Gala apple



At least one thing that I’m grateful for today:

  • Clouds. (Never thought I’d say that while living in dreary Washington, D.C. for most of my life. Now, living at a sunny high altitude in Reno, NV, clouds and rain are a welcome break from the harmful-to-my-skin UV rays.)

**(This post is based on the format of the Lupus Diary that I developed for keeping track of how Lupus affects my body, mind, and spirit, I check-in here once a week to let you know about the more interesting days of my Lupus journey. To learn more about the Lupus Diary, how I developed it, and why I use it, click here.)

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