Dear Diary,
Turning 50 wasn’t so bad. I had such a beautiful birthday last week on the central California coast, picnicking at Pfieffer Beach in Big Sur and enjoying a nice, fresh seafood dinner in Monterey. It was so wonderful to spend several days away from all the smoke in Reno (caused by the Yosemite Rim fire), not to mention all my exhausting and depressing doctor and physical therapy appointments.
I’m still struggling to manage the effects of Lupus. I guess it’ll be a lifetime struggle, with bad days and better days. My biggest issues are the bone and chest pain and the breathing problems, which I originally assumed (before the diagnosis) were separate, unrelated problems. But, now my asthma/allergy doc says the Lupus is causing the inflammation in my lungs; my dermatologist says Lupus is causing the inflammation and hives on my skin; and my physical therapist and orthopedist say Lupus inflammation is causing my bone deterioration and arthritis in my hips and back.
I’ve been on the Lupus medication, Plaquenil, for about four months now, and I’ve seen improvement only in my energy level. It’s much more manageable than before, although I still get very tired with too much activity. Unfortunately, the Plaquenil hasn’t helped much with the other problems, so my rheumatologist is doubling my dose. *sigh*
Other than the Lupus, life is pretty wonderful for a 50-year old Lupie. Hubby is so devoted and patient, and our life together is peaceful without being too predictable. He often tells me that I don’t look at all like I’m 50 years old. While I might look younger than 50, I surely feel older than 50!