Dear Diary,
Okay, so I did go back to see the chiropractor today. Only because Hubby had an appointment, and I wanted to let the Dr. R know about my severe pain and difficulty breathing after my last treatment with him.
When we got there he was in the typical “let’s-get-to-the-adjustment” rush mode.
“Are you ready?” he said.
I said, “We need to talk.”
The smile immediately left his face. In fact, his face kind of went blank. I proceeded to explain that the last adjustment caused me way too much pain and difficulty breathing. Much more than after the first few sessions. And, after thinking about my upcoming possible treatment for Lyme disease, I thought it would be better to stop the chiropractic treatment altogether for now.
He apologized and speculated that he did too much during the last visit. No kidding, really? He said he should have gone slower due to the inflammation in my body, which would normally get worse with treatment. For whatever reason, he broke his promise to me to be gentle and aware of my special needs. Even still, he tried to convince me to continue. That’s not happening.
On the down side of all this, I felt like this was yet another failed attempt to feel better. No matter what I try to do, or where I try to go, or how thoroughly I try to explain my body, very few health practitioners get it. And the ones who truly care at least will be willing to listen and understand. The ones who are more money minded or who are a part of a well-oiled marketing machine, will simply reel you in with promises they can’t keep and brush you aside when you don’t fit into their way of doing business. Sadly, this experience was the latter.
On the upside, this just fuels my desire to never give up. Early in life, I’ve learned to use my anger as the resistance I need to fly and keep flying until I meet my goals. In this case, that’s finding what I need to feel better….